Cherish the Blood

Jazmine Desarrae
3 min readApr 9, 2020


A short poem calling you home to the wisdom of your essence

I’ve been here with you, and I nourished the energy of your essence through the cord of creation.

I watched you blossom, and I’ve been whispering my deepest wisdom to you since the very beginning.

When the air kissed your wet flesh for the very first time, I held you close and embraced you in the cradle of my arms.

As you opened your eyes, I stared back at you as an affirmation of safety

to begin the journey of your first awakening.

I’ve always been here.

When the storms began to rise and rage from your core, it was me initiating you into the depths of my secrets. Even in the clouds of your own doubt, you know them well.

I veiled you in the blessing of liquid life. Cherish the blood that I’ve given you. I’ve given you power.

The magnetism behind your smile, the sway of your hips, the pouring from your breast

I am.


When you began to blossom and your walls started to flood, I surrendered in ecstasy as you emitted the sounds of creation. The sound of me.

I gave you my trust

to the be the gatekeeper…

to bear the most profound fruit…

to birth and witness Kings rise…

and as you continue to feel my cycles passing through you,

cherish the blood that I’ve given you

and know that I am here.

I make love to the tracks beneath your feet, and I guide your every step.

I console you in the hour of your weakness when you think you have no more strength. I’ve given you the promise of my reassurance.

With my bare soul, I am here to renew you with the river of your tears.

When you are off sync with my rhythm, I pull you beneath the drum of my heart to help you remember


I am here, and I have always been here.

I am the wave pulsating through your every interaction, the knowing before the asking, the receiving before the giving.

I’ll never leave you.

Cherish the blood I’ve given you.

When you feel me ticking between the tock of your inner clock, and you begin to shift,

I am here.

Know that you are still beautiful;

no less potent,

still innocent and free like the maiden,

grounded like the mother,

medicinal like the crone,

you shall

sit upon your inner sanctum

like the foundation of roots.

I am the throne of your wisdom, power, and creation.

Cherish the blood I gave you.

Grow with me and don’t resist the way you stretch.

I’ve destroyed and brought upon spells of death to the shedding of you becoming

and I hand carved the most beautiful route for your return home.

Don’t be afraid.

My dear, I am with you.

I’ve always been here.

Eternally Yours,

Your Sacred Womb.



Jazmine Desarrae

Feminine Healing & Movement Medicine Practitioner. Dancer. Teacher. Mother. I write about arts, culture, love, & spirituality. @womanfullyhealed